Trusted book printer for authors and SELF-publishers
that won't break the bank.
Email us at [email protected] for a quick price. Please provide the following information:
Number of Books ____________
Book Trim Size
Portrait 5½" x 8½" 6" x 9" 8½" x 11"
Landscape 8½" x 5½" 9" x 6" 11" x 8½"
B&W Pages _______________ (must be even number)
Color Pages _______________ (must be even number)
Total Pages: ______________________
Special Instructions: Page bleeds, spread bleeds, print-on-demand
Contact info: Name____________________________________ email________________________________________________
Number of Books ____________
Book Trim Size
Portrait 5½" x 8½" 6" x 9" 8½" x 11"
Landscape 8½" x 5½" 9" x 6" 11" x 8½"
B&W Pages _______________ (must be even number)
Color Pages _______________ (must be even number)
Total Pages: ______________________
Special Instructions: Page bleeds, spread bleeds, print-on-demand
Contact info: Name____________________________________ email________________________________________________